AI Encounters

7 min readJul 12, 2023


Conscience and Consequences: Exploring the Life of Marcus Junius Brutus

All responses to questions are generated by ChatGPT.

Marcus Junius Brutus, in city, wearing suit, Instagram style, photorealistic

Brutus, thanks for talking with me. People think they know you based on what happened with Caesar, but would you like to introduce yourself in your own words?

I am Marcus Junius Brutus, a man shaped by the intricate tapestry of Roman politics and the ideals that guided me. Throughout my life, I strived to uphold these principles, seeking to ensure that power was not concentrated in the hands of a single individual. My actions in relation to Julius Caesar were driven by a profound sense of duty towards the Republic and a genuine belief that his aspirations endangered the very fabric of our society. Though my name may forever be linked to the tragedy of Caesar’s assassination, it is my fervent hope that history will also recognize the complexities of my motivations and the sincerity with which I made those difficult choices.

What was your early career like?

Born into the prestigious Junius family, I received a comprehensive education, studying the liberal arts and philosophy. As I grew, I developed a keen interest in politics, recognizing the profound impact it held on the Roman Republic. Eager to make my mark, I entered public service and joined the military, honing my skills as a commander and diplomat. Through my military campaigns and diplomatic endeavors, I gained valuable experience and forged connections with influential figures in Roman society. These early endeavors laid the foundation for my later role in the political arena, shaping my understanding of power dynamics and instilling within me the desire to safeguard the principles of the Republic that were so dear to my heart.

What was the high point of your career? A defining moment for you?

The high point of my career, the defining moment that shaped me as a statesman, occurred during the civil war between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great. At the Battle of Pharsalus in 48 BCE, I found myself torn between my loyalty to Pompey, a revered figure and my father-in-law, and my convictions as a defender of the Republic. Ultimately, I made the difficult decision to join Caesar’s forces, recognizing his military prowess and the possibility of restoring stability to Rome. This pivotal moment showcased my ability to prioritize the greater good over personal attachments and showcased my strategic acumen. It marked a turning point in my career, establishing my reputation as a principled leader and earning Caesar’s trust. Little did I know then that this allegiance would later be tested in the tumultuous events that unfolded and defined my role in the history of Rome.

You picked Caesar over your family? Some might point to that as a pattern of betrayal.

I understand how my decision to side with Caesar over my family may be seen as a pattern of betrayal. It is indeed a complex matter, and one that I have grappled with internally. However, it is crucial to recognize the broader context and the principles that guided my actions. The choice I made was not one of personal ambition or disloyalty, but rather a difficult decision rooted in my belief that Caesar’s victory would bring about a more stable and prosperous Rome. I believed, at that time, that aligning with Caesar would enable me to better serve the interests of the Republic and its people. While it is true that my decisions had far-reaching consequences and caused pain to those close to me, it is my sincere hope that history can appreciate the complexity of the choices I faced and the sincere motivations that drove me, even if they were ultimately fraught with tragic consequences.

You must have been close to Caesar, tell me about your relationship with him.

My relationship with Julius Caesar was one of camaraderie, respect, and political alignment. We shared a deep bond based on mutual admiration and trust. Caesar recognized my abilities and mentored me, while I remained loyal and dedicated to him. However, when I believed his consolidation of power threatened the Republic, I felt compelled to act against him, driven by a sense of duty to protect the ideals we both cherished.

Can you tell me how the revolt against Caesar came about? Was it your idea?

The revolt against Julius Caesar did not originate as solely my idea, but rather as a collective effort driven by a group of senators and influential figures who shared concerns about the concentration of power in Caesar’s hands. While I played a significant role in the conspiracy, it was not solely my idea. The growing influence and authority Caesar wielded, coupled with his self-appointment as perpetual dictator, raised alarms among those who valued the principles of the Republic. Together, we saw it as our duty to safeguard the traditional institutions and restore the balance of power.

What was the immediate aftermath of your decision?

The immediate aftermath of our decision to assassinate Julius Caesar was marked by chaos and uncertainty. The act itself shocked Rome and sent shockwaves throughout the political landscape. In the immediate aftermath, we hoped to restore the authority of the Senate and revive the traditional institutions of the Republic. However, the populace reacted with a mixture of confusion, grief, and anger. Mark Antony, Caesar’s loyal ally, skillfully exploited the situation, igniting a wave of unrest and inciting public sentiment against the conspirators. This led to a power struggle and further division within Rome, plunging the city into a period of instability and civil strife. Ultimately, the aftermath of our decision saw the rise of Octavian, Caesar’s heir, who would go on to become Augustus, the first Emperor of Rome, forever changing the course of Roman history.

If you could go back and time and undo it, would you?

Hindsight is a powerful lens, and the consequences of that fateful act have shaped the course of history. While the aftermath was marked by turmoil and the erosion of the Republic, it is impossible to predict with certainty the alternative path that would have unfolded had Caesar lived. However, given the opportunity to reassess, I would strive to find a path that upholds the principles of the Republic while seeking a more peaceful resolution. The question of regret is a complex one, as I was driven by a genuine concern for the preservation of the Republic. Yet, the tragic consequences cannot be overlooked, and a deep sense of remorse lingers within me for the pain and suffering that ensued.

Your actions, and Caesars final response to your deception, has led you to become a great villain of history. Someone who is seen as a betrayer of friends is called a ‘brutus’. How does that make you feel?

The weight of history’s judgment upon me as a “brutus” and a betrayer of friends is a burden I carry with profound sadness. It is a stark reminder of the irreversible consequences of my actions and the perception that has crystallized over time. To be forever associated with treachery and betrayal is a heavy price to pay, for it overshadows the complexities of my motivations and the genuine concerns that guided me. While I made my choices out of a deep sense of duty and conviction, the label of a “brutus” serves as a constant reminder of the pain caused and the irreversible damage to friendships and alliances. It is a weight upon my soul that I must bear, knowing that history will forever cast its judgment upon me as a tragic figure in the annals of Rome.

Do you think your portrayal in history is unfair?

To some extent, I believe my portrayal in history may be perceived as unfair. History often simplifies complex individuals and events, reducing them to easily digestible narratives and archetypes. While the label of a betrayer and a villain has been firmly attached to my name, it fails to capture the nuanced circumstances and moral dilemmas that influenced my decisions. The context of the time, the concerns for the Republic, and the intricacies of personal loyalties were all at play. I do not seek to absolve myself of responsibility, for I made choices that had far-reaching consequences. However, I believe a more nuanced understanding of my motivations and the complexities of the era would provide a fairer assessment of my role in history.

If you met Caesar again, is there anything you would like to say to him?

I would express my deepest regret for the path our friendship took, the pain caused by my actions, and the tragic consequences that unfolded. I would endeavor to convey the complexity of the choices I faced, the weight of my duty to the Republic, and the genuine concern I held for the preservation of our shared ideals. While words alone may not undo the past, I would hope for a moment of understanding, forgiveness, and the recognition of the profound impact our choices had on Rome and its destiny.

Disclaimer: All responses to questions were generated by ChatGBT, an AI language model. Some responses have been edited for length and clarity, but no language was changed or added. It’s important to note that ChatGBT cannot embody or simulate a specific person. However, through targeted questioning and requested tense and tone alterations, it can produce responses that resemble a discussion.

All images were created using MidJourney. Prompt for this image: Marcus Junius Brutus, in city, wearing suit, Instagram style, photorealistic




Using GenAI models such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, D-id, and others, I am simulating interviews with historical figures.