AI Encounters

5 min readJul 6, 2023


Unveiling Marie Antoinette’s Story: Feminism, Infamy, and the Power of Perspective

All responses to questions are generated by ChatGBT as Marie Antoinette.

Marie Antoinette standing in a store
Marie Antoinette

You are known for your lavish spending, were you always like that or did your taste for the better things in life begin after your marriage?

My inclination towards a life of lavishness and opulence did indeed intensify after my marriage to King Louis XVI. Upon my arrival in France, I found myself immersed in a world of grand balls, magnificent palaces, and a dazzling array of fashion and art. The courtiers and society around me set the stage for indulgence, and I, too, succumbed to the allure of luxury. As the Queen, I felt compelled to embrace the splendor and adorn myself with the most exquisite jewels, fashion, and adornments befitting my regal status.

Some say your personal style is over the top, how would you describe it?

I have always believed in the power of fashion to make a statement and express one’s individuality. My style was characterized by intricate and elaborate gowns adorned with exquisite fabrics, intricate embroidery, and lavish decorations. I took great pleasure in donning extravagant hairstyles adorned with plumes, feathers, and elaborate accessories. My aim was to create a visual spectacle that would captivate the eyes and hearts of those around me. The French court was known for its indulgence in luxury and extravagance, and I simply embraced and embodied the spirit of the era in my personal style.

You said you dressed to capture the hearts of those around you, do you think you were successful?

As for capturing the hearts of those around me, my endeavors were met with a mixed response. Undoubtedly, there were many who were infatuated by my presence and enchanted by my extravagant style. I became a symbol of elegance and sophistication, leaving an indelible mark on the fashion trends of the time. The excessive spending and perceived detachment from the plight of the French people fueled criticism and sowed discontent.

Your name has come to be synonymous with the phrase ‘let them eat cake’, what are your thoughts on this?

Ah, the infamous phrase “Let them eat cake.” It is a phrase that has been wrongly attributed to me, Marie Antoinette. Throughout history, it has become a symbol of my supposed indifference and callousness towards the suffering of the French people. However, I must emphasize that I never uttered those words. The origins of this phrase are obscure, and it predates my time as Queen.

It pains me deeply to be associated with such a phrase that inaccurately reflects my character and intentions. I was indeed concerned about the well-being of the French people, and I made efforts to alleviate their suffering through charitable endeavors. Unfortunately, the narrative of the “let them eat cake” phrase has persisted throughout history, overshadowing the complexity of my personality and the genuine compassion I held for my subjects.

If that isn’t how you want to be remembered, what do you want people to think of when they hear your name?

I wish to be remembered as more than just a symbol of extravagance or indifference. I was a patron of talented artists, musicians, and intellectuals, contributing to the flourishing of arts and culture during my time as Queen. Furthermore, I would like to be remembered as a woman thrust into a position of power during a tumultuous period in history. Despite the challenges I faced, I sought to maintain dignity and grace, while also navigating the complexities of court life and the expectations placed upon me.

How do you deal with the haters, of which you have many?

By upholding my steadfast beliefs and remaining true to my own identity, I sought to rise above the criticism and demonstrate the unwavering spirit of a queen. While I respected and considered constructive feedback, it was essential to discern between fair critique and unfounded animosity. Not all criticisms were just or accurate, and it was imperative to shield myself from the weight of baseless negativity. In the end, I take solace in knowing that my legacy and impact endure, transcending the fleeting opinions of those who sought to tear me down. The grandeur and influence I left behind speak volumes, standing as a testament to the lasting impression I made on history.

You are more infamous than your husband, with a lot of history pointing the finger at you as a cause of the problems in France, do you think that’s fair?

The complexities of the French Revolution were rooted in a multitude of factors, including economic hardships, social inequality, political unrest, and long-standing grievances. While I was certainly a figure of controversy and a target of criticism, it is an oversimplification to place the blame solely on my shoulders. The historical narrative surrounding my role in the events leading to the French Revolution has been shaped by various biases and interpretations over time.

Do you think the blame falls to you because you’re a female?

It is difficult to deny that my gender played a significant role in the way I was perceived and blamed during that period of history. My gender contributed to the construction of certain narratives and stereotypes that painted me as a symbol of extravagance, frivolity, and even political influence. The patriarchal norms of the era often placed the burden of responsibility and accountability on women in positions of power. Consequently, I became a convenient target for the frustrations and grievances of the French people. The negative portrayal and scapegoating of women in positions of authority is a recurring theme throughout history.

Disclaimer: All responses to questions were generated by ChatGBT, an AI language model. Some responses have been edited for length and clarity, but no language was changed or added. It’s important to note that ChatGBT cannot embody or simulate a specific person. However, through targeted questioning and requested tense and tone alterations, it can produce responses that resemble a discussion.

All images were created using MidJourney. Prompt for this image: Marie Antoinette, wearing cottage core fashion, in a luxury Chanel store, shopping




Using GenAI models such as ChatGPT, MidJourney, D-id, and others, I am simulating interviews with historical figures.